Week 3: Red Circle. This art was lovingly created using: photography/photoshop.
Artist’s Notes
this is just me being a monkey in aerial silks. except many of me. in many silks. made with lots of ?? wtf how do i use this app? ?what is going on? ?? and photoshop crashing and p a n i k and stress but here we are i guess…
Social Media
- Instagram: charmandaar_
- Twitch: charmandaar
- Twitter: charmandaar_
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Week: 3
**Title: cirque of monkeys except it's me. i am the monkey**
Medium: photography/photoshop
Description: this is just me being a monkey in aerial silks. except many of me. in many silks. made with lots of ?? wtf how do i use this app? ?what is going on? ?? and photoshop crashing and p a n i k and stress but here we are i guess…
Social Media: https://www.twitch.tv/charmandaar