The 2021 Design Refresh Logo, as-is with typography.


A weekly design/art/creative challenge hosted on Twitch.TV by @CindryTuna/FiveClawD.

Placeholder thumbnail for a visual still work.

Week 8: High Sheen. This art was lovingly created using: Paint Tool SAI.

Artist’s Notes

“Someone had a mighty fine belt-buckle, so I.. borrowed it.”

This was a very interesting challenge! Decided to go for a painting-like piece with the belt-buckle being the main focus! If it’s hard to see, the texture from the resource is on the belt buckle! I timed myself and I had 7 minutes before the two hour mark!

Social Media

  • N/A.


  • Edit this page on GitHub .
  • Create a bug ticket for the developer.
  • Parsed source from Discord is as follows:
Week: 8
Medium: Paint Tool SAI
Title: __Pretty, Ain't It?__
Description: "Someone had a mighty fine belt-buckle, so I.. borrowed it."
This was a very interesting challenge! Decided to go for a painting-like piece with the belt-buckle being the main focus! If it's hard to see, the texture from the resource is on the belt buckle! I timed myself and I had 7 minutes before the two hour mark!
