The 2021 Design Refresh Logo, as-is with typography.


A weekly design/art/creative challenge hosted on Twitch.TV by @CindryTuna/FiveClawD.

Placeholder thumbnail for a visual still work.

Week 6: Simple Love. This art was lovingly created using: Procreate.

Artist’s Notes

The earliest time I can remember myself loving drawing was when I was 5 and completely immersed in the given task of drawing a yellow house with a red roof, with apple trees, and everyone’s favourite quarter sun. Something about the way the pencil felt scraping across the paper encapsulated me, and before I knew it, 3 hours had past before I even looked away from the page.

ps. i forgot the fucking chimney godammit

pss. oh shit theres also no doorknob. everything is falling apart.


Social Media

  • N/A.


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  • Parsed source from Discord is as follows:
Week 6
Title: Week 6    
Medium: Procreate
Description: The earliest time I can remember myself loving drawing was when I was 5 and completely immersed in the given task of drawing a yellow house with a red roof, with apple trees, and everyone's favourite quarter sun. Something about the way the pencil felt scraping across the paper encapsulated me, and before I knew it, 3 hours had past before I even looked away from the page. 

ps. i forgot the fucking chimney godammit
pss. oh shit theres also no doorknob. everything is falling apart.

Social: urmom6.0
