by jumpingbeans
Week 1: Yellow Lines. This art was lovingly created using: MS Paint.
Artist’s Notes
simple geometry shape of a bowl highlighted using pre-programmed algorithm of MS Paint, the yellow used to demonstrate the 3 dimensionality of bowl… aaaa theres a cat in it …. oh welp if it fits, it sits ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Social Media
- Instagram: jumpingbeansz
- Twitch: jumpingbeansz
- Edit this page on GitHub .
- Create a bug ticket for the developer.
- Parsed source from Discord is as follows:
**Title: Bowl**
Medium: MS Paint
Description: simple geometry shape of a bowl highlighted using pre-programmed algorithm of MS Paint, the yellow used to demonstrate the 3 dimensionality of bowl... aaaa theres a cat in it .... oh welp if it fits, it sits ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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