The 2021 Design Refresh Logo, as-is with typography.


A weekly design/art/creative challenge hosted on Twitch.TV by @CindryTuna/FiveClawD.

Placeholder thumbnail for a visual still work.

Week 6: Simple Love. This art was lovingly created using: Video of beansz wearing clothing (aka i ran out of mediums, time to recycle).

Artist’s Notes

In life we wear many masks (or shirts cuz i dont know the art of 变脸, aka chinese face mask changing), they are the many aspects of self, whether or not we like it or not. The introspection of the multiple sides is what makes us individuals and whole. Or so you thought, i just wanna body slam the mirror while wearing appropriate personal protection equipment laughing crying emoji

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Week: 6

Title: The introspection of self, the different facades of life and embrace of the multifaceted appearences

Medium: Video of beansz wearing clothing (aka i ran out of mediums, time to recycle) 

Description: In life we wear many masks (or shirts cuz i dont know the art of 变脸, aka chinese face mask changing), they are the many aspects of self, whether or not we like it or not. The introspection of the multiple sides is what makes us individuals and whole. Or so you thought, i just wanna body slam the mirror while wearing appropriate personal protection equipment *laughing crying emoji*

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