The 2021 Design Refresh Logo, as-is with typography.


A weekly design/art/creative challenge hosted on Twitch.TV by @CindryTuna/FiveClawD.

Placeholder thumbnail for a visual still work.

View on SoundCloud.

Week 17: The 4 R’s: Finale. This art was lovingly created using: Ableton Live 10/11 Suite, Steinberg Cubase 5, FL Studio 12/20, & DaVinci Resolve.

Artist’s Notes

Hey team, this 8-minute video would do best when left to last. Thanks!

Submission 5/5.

I took a work from every week (without repeats of artists) and wrote 30 second shorts for each one. Most of these shorts are from work that I wrote in the past that has not seen the light of day.

Video features visual work by @jorchael_p, @Scimister, @DoughYeast, @fonz, @cindry, @TheLagExpert , @Goblet, @soleilboo , @arancil, @TITAN011, @paintsepsi, @vectorong, @Pumpkan, @Piacine , @eggyolk, and @a1ewanrichards.

Sorry for leaving people out, but there are only 17 weeks and I went for easiest to match to audio as my main selective metric.

That’s it from me. Thanks for listening!

YT: YouTube External Link (Closed Captions)

SC: SoundCloud External Link

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**Week:** 17
**Title:** Shorts
**Medium:** Ableton Live 10/11 Suite, Steinberg Cubase 5, FL Studio 12/20, & DaVinci Resolve

_Hey team, this 8-minute video would do best when left to last. Thanks!_

Submission 5/5.

I took a work from every week (without repeats of artists) and wrote 30 second shorts for each one. Most of these shorts are from work that I wrote in the past that has not seen the light of day.

Video features visual work by @jorchael_p, @Scimister, @DoughYeast, @fonz, @cindry, @TheLagExpert , @Goblet, @soleilboo , @arancil, @TITAN011, @paintsepsi, @vectorong, @Pumpkan, @Piacine , @eggyolk, and @a1ewanrichards.

Sorry for leaving people out, but there are only 17 weeks and I went for easiest to match to audio as my main selective metric.

That's it from me. Thanks for listening!

YT: (Closed Captions)
SC: <>
