Week 9: Bold Strokes. This art was lovingly created using: Audio/Ableton Live 11 Suite.
Artist’s Notes
“Bold strokes” sounds upbeat, aggressive, complex, and coloured by live instrumentals.
Before the ‘rona there was live music. For those who have not been in a crowd or performed contemporary music, there is nothing like it. Every mistake, every ad lib: the energy is secondary to nothing. It is extremely obvious when watching some of the best bands out there that everybody is having so much fun.
I spent an actual long time composing this, but not as long mixing it. Consider it demo quality.
Notes: everything you are seeing you also are hearing (no miming). The guitar at the end was done in one take as I started to panic.
, YT: <YouTube External Link
Link: YouTube External Link
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- Twitter: papapastry_
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**Week:** 9
**Title:** 7/11 Burrito
**Medium:** Audio/Ableton Live 11 Suite
"Bold strokes" sounds upbeat, aggressive, complex, and coloured by live instrumentals.
Before the 'rona there was live music. For those who have not been in a crowd or performed contemporary music, there is nothing like it. Every mistake, every ad lib: the energy is secondary to nothing. It is extremely obvious when watching some of the best bands out there that everybody is having so much fun.
I spent an actual long time composing this, but not as long mixing it. Consider it demo quality.
Notes: everything you are seeing you also are hearing (no miming). The guitar at the end was done in one take as I started to panic.
**Socials:** Twitter: <https://twitter.com/papapastry_>, YT: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGP1pUeVJYA>
**Link:** https://youtu.be/0hrJOksPNdI