Week 5: Royal Green. This art was lovingly created using: Acrylics.
Artist’s Notes
I took a lot of influence from the messy textures created by Jade. I made the loops start from point a to point b and have continuous flow while adding in different textures through paint splatters, sponges, and various paint strokes. I really just let it happen as I painted, while focusing on trying to create different textures. The loops and waves are my signature style.
Social Media
- Instagram: austeezus
- Twitter: psykoframe
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Week: 5
Title: Flow
Medium: Acrylics
Description: I took a lot of influence from the messy textures created by Jade. I made the loops start from point a to point b and have continuous flow while adding in different textures through paint splatters, sponges, and various paint strokes. I really just let it happen as I painted, while focusing on trying to create different textures. The loops and waves are my signature style.
Instagram: @austeezus
twitter: @psykoframe