The 2021 Design Refresh Logo, as-is with typography.


A weekly design/art/creative challenge hosted on Twitch.TV by @CindryTuna/FiveClawD.

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Week 13: Look At Me. This art was lovingly created using: procreate.

Artist’s Notes

this is a comic I made with my friends a couple months ago currently we are working on episode 2 after a hiatus and I hope you enjoy the first episode. I put a lot of heart into it and I hope to become a WEBTOON original one day

WebToons External Link

Social Media

  • N/A.


  • Edit this page on GitHub .
  • Create a bug ticket for the developer.
  • Parsed source from Discord is as follows:
Title: Fragments of Remembrance 
Medium: procreate 

Description: this is a comic I made with my friends a couple months ago currently we are working on episode 2 after a hiatus and I hope you enjoy the first episode. I put a lot of heart into it and I hope to become a WEBTOON original one day
