The 2021 Design Refresh Logo, as-is with typography.


A weekly design/art/creative challenge hosted on Twitch.TV by @CindryTuna/FiveClawD.

Placeholder thumbnail for a visual still work.

Week 3: Red Circle. This art was lovingly created using: Charcoal, Acrylic, and Watercolor on paper.

Artist’s Notes

Desc: A photoshopped composition focused around the red circle. The circle is embraced by the hopeful and the hopeless. The circle is prominent in the light and the dark. The circle is constant in each instance. Layered over by each passing entity, immovable from its position.

Social Media

  • N/A.


  • Edit this page on GitHub .
  • Create a bug ticket for the developer.
  • Parsed source from Discord is as follows:
Week 3:
Medium: Charcoal, Acrylic, and Watercolor on paper
Title: *The Red Circle*
Desc: A photoshopped composition focused around the red circle. The circle is embraced by the hopeful and the hopeless. The circle is prominent in the light and the dark. The circle is constant in each instance. Layered over by each passing entity, immovable from its position.
